In Harmony Services
Vinyasa Private Yoga Sessions
$100/hour in person
$90/hour online
MOVE is a Customized Yoga FLO based on your needs whether its to stretch, to strengthen, or to simply move your body I will create a FLO that is perfect for YOU!

Therapeutic Private
Yoga Session
$125/hour in person
$105/hour online
HEAL is a Customized Therapeutic Yoga sesh for healing on all levels Mind, Body, and Soul. Includes meditation, visualization, and gentle asanas to aid in healing.

Yoga for Cancer Recovery
$125/hour in person
$105/hour online
RECONNECT is a mix of In Harmony’s signature Heal therapeutic Yoga with MOVE Yoga FLO. RECONNECT is a Yoga for Cancer Recovery private session that guides you to reconnect to find your power and to feel peace and love within after battling Cancer. Includes meditation, visualization, Lymphatic assistance, and gentle asanas to aid in healing.

30 minute Chat- $45.00
Whether you are just out of Cancer treatments or want to learn more about Mindful and Healthy living, I will put together a list of tools to discuss to guide you towards a healthier YOU!

Group Yoga FLO Sessions
(5-14 people)
(minimum of $125.00)

Yoga FLO for Wedding Parties, Large Groups, or Corporate Events
(15 or more)
please call for pricing

Love Your Lymph Online Classes $14/session
Love your Lymph Weekly Classes via Zoom help to ignite the Lymphatic System and create FLO in the body. We use Yoga, Breathework, Meditation and other modalities to activate our bodies Waste removal system.
Register Here.....
Your Body will Thank You!
Crissy Florio